Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Our sweet baby girl turns 3 today! Maggie came via scheduled induction a week early so the day she was born was so much more relaxed than when Ragen arrived. I was so ready to meet our little girl and remember feeling so much more prepared when I held her in my arms for the first time. I recall the first thought I had was how glad I was that Dr. Case had gotten it right way back when (at 11 weeks) when he told us it was a GIRL. You hear those horror stories and since it was only 11 weeks, I was always nervous that I'd get my hopes up for the girl and then we'd actually have a boy. So relieved! Mags was such an easy-going and mellow baby. She just hung out, slept well and was a happy baby. We always thought she'd be a laid back kid and she was...until about 8 months ago. She did everything late - sat up late, crawled late (OK, never), walked late, spoke late...But she sure is making up for lost time now. Maggie is so busy and loves to run everywhere, talk as fast and loud as she can, and does everything her brother does. Literally. It's so hard to get mad at her because she's so funny at what she's doing and looks so cute doing it. I can sense a diva in the making which scares me to death. :)

Maggie girl - I wish you the happiest of birthdays and can't imagine my life without you. You're my best girl and I love how you tell me that even though you're a big girl now, you're always mommy's baby. I can't wait to see what your third year brings as you've grown up so much and developed so far in the past year. I love you all the way to heaven and back (and you always reply with "and heaven is really far - farther than space."). It sure is!
Princess 1st birthday party

Still the princess (in the same crown)