Sunday, July 20, 2008

6 years

Today is our anniversary - it's been 6 years since Jeremy and I got married. I hadn't been back to the Sunset Club (where our reception was) until just this week for a baby shower. It brought back so many wonderful and anxious feelings! In some ways it feels like we were just going through the wedding planning and in other ways, it feels like I can't remember life without being married. I am so thankful for my loving and patient husband. I'm so much more of a "me-person" than he'll ever be. He makes me laugh every day which I'm grateful for. He's the best father and our kids adore him. He puts himself dead last every time it comes to making a decision. I wish he'd focus on himself more. We went out for a fantastic dinner at Daniel's last night and while I'm sure he would rather have seen The Dark Knight, we went to see Mamma Mia instead. Luckily he thought it was about 150% better than he was expecting (for the record, I loved it!!)


Jackie said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! You are two of my favorite people, and one of my favorite couples!!!