Monday, May 11, 2009

My baby is 5 today


Ragen Calhoun is it possible that it's been 5 years since you forever changed our lives for the better? Everytime I think of your birth, I hear the vacuum in my head. As we were waiting for the contractions to get just a bit closer together, your daddy thought it was a good idea to vacuum since we weren't sure when we might do it again. Funny thing is that we were living in our condo at that time and our next door neighbors came over to meet you, we told them when we left for the hospital. They told us how it was strange because they swore they heard the vacuum going right around then. That's your daddy!

You have brightened our lives in so many ways and we are so thankful to navigate life with you. I can only hope that we bring you a fraction of the joy that you bring us.

In honor of your 5th birthday, here are 5 (of the many!) things I love about you:

1. The way you make me laugh at least once a day with funny grown-up phrases and vocabulary (and it's always in the correct context!)

2. How deeply you love your family and how you go running at full speed when you first see someone coming in the door

3. You are the first one to run to your sister when you hear her crying (unless of course you are the one who makes her cry and then your motto is deny)

4. Your passion to learn and try new things. It's been so fun to watch you master your letters and answer your questions

5. The fact that you still smell the same way you did 5 years ago and you make the same "turtle" face when you stretch

I could go on and on, my sweet boy. I love you with everything I have in me. All the way to the heaven and back.






Happy Birthday buddy!


Jackie said...

I hope Ragen's birthday was wonderful. You have the most gorgeous family EVER!!! I truly hope we stay in touch, if only at the Dawg games :)