Friday, October 23, 2009

Spooky Spaghetti Dinner

Tonight was the Spooky Spaghetti Dinner at Cougar Ridge where dads from the school served and waited on the kids dressed in Halloween costumes. It was a fun concept and the dads who were helping were all decked out in their finest Italian waiter gear.

Maggie must have had a sixth sense about the evening. Earlier today, she asked me several times in the Spooky Spaghetti Dinner was going to have the lights on or off. I told her for sure the lights would be on and there would be nothing to be afraid of. As we were walking to our table with our plates full of spaghetti, the power went out! I immediately stacked the plates so I had a free hand and grabbed Ragen and Jeremy pulled out his Blackberry for a little light to keep Maggie calm. It was only out for a minute and we weren't really sure if that was for effect (given the name of the event) or if the power had really gone out on this blustery night. When we got home we realized our power had been out at the house as well so I guess we got our answer.

It was a fun way to kick off Halloween as the kids were super excited to be in their costumes for the first time.

So excited to have Daddy at the dinner with us!

Mommy's Little Mermaid and Luke Skywalker

I love asking Maggie what she's going to be for Halloween because the answer is always "a muhhhh-maid"

The force is definitely with this kid!