Saturday, October 17, 2009

Following in mommy's footsteps

Maggie started gymnastics a couple of weeks ago and to say that she loves it is an understatement. All week long she asks when she gets to go to "tomastics" and is so excited when Tuesday finally rolls around. It's been very nostalgic for me as she's going to the exact same gym (Gymnastics East) where I competed for over 10 years. One of my old teammates even owns the gym now.

Everyone who saw what I endured first hand all those years ago looks at me like I'm crazy to be putting Maggie into gymnastics. My answer is always the same - she's not going to compete and that's the big difference. To go once a week and have fun running around is one thing. To go 5 days a week for 4-5 hours a day is entirely something else.
For now, Maggie is loving her "tomastics", I love seeing her so enthused, and it's pretty fun to walk down memory lane.
How cute is that tiny leo?
Someone get that girl some spankys! (the underwear-like things that go underneath the leo to keep it from riding up your cheeks) :)