Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Touring Lake Washington

We took Mark, Melissa, Tiana & Elijah along with my parents out on the boat on a gorgeous summer day to tour around Lake Washington. This was a great way to show them some of the Seattle sights from a unique perspective. We cruised across the lake and went through the Montlake Cut, making sure to point out Husky Stadium (Elijah is a USC fan - boo!) and also the spot on the Montlake bridge where Jeremy was crazy enough to jump off in college. Then we had lunch at Ivar's on Lake Union and also got to see some of the Duck boats launching. On our way back to Bellevue, we went by Bill Gates' house and tried to stress the magntitude of it all. We also stopped in Meydenbauer Bay to swim. This is the spot where Mark and I used to hang out with our friends during summers. I was shocked that both Maggie and Ragen were totally comfortable jumping off the boat and swimming around in the open water. We all jumped in except for Mimi & Bumpa. It was so cold but once you got used to it, it was great.

Mark, Keri, Debbie & Barry

Elijah, Ragen, Mark, Melissa & Tiana

Captain Tiana
Maggie kept jumping in and swimming to whoever was closest
Ragen, Elijah & Tiana