Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bye bye baby crib

This rite of passage has been a tough one for me. Maggie is out of her baby crib and into a big girl bed. Well, big girl mattress. I haven't found the furniture I want yet but she's sleeping on the mattresses in her room.

As the new owners of the nursery furniture loaded up their car, Maggie ran over to hug her crib saying "Bye by baby crib. I love you." It melted my heart. I painstakingly shopped for months for this nursery set. We brought Ragen home to it. Both kids slept in it. It went with us to 3 houses. Lots of history with that furniture.

I'm very excited to do Maggie's "big girl room" and I love seeing how proud she is of herself to be a big girl. It's just hard to see that wonderful chapter come to an end.

A funny Ragen moment in the crib - 11 months
Maggie's 1st day home in her crib

Last night in the crib

Crazy sleeper


Annette said...

Oh!! That's great!! Baby crib is looking so nice!! I got a new bedding for my daughter from Sears...