Thursday, September 4, 2008

His turn

Now it was Ragen's turn. Today was his first day of school - pre K! Here he is showing off his lunchbox & show and share bag. During the summer camp program, he was in his new classroom with his new teacher so there weren't too many surprises for him today. It was sort of back to what is comfortable and familiar. For all of us :) It's hard to believe how big he's getting. He's so witty and smart and makes us laugh all the time. I can't imagine him starting kindergarten next year. I guess I'll stay in the present and enjoy this time.

I must say, as I drove away from school (I had already taken Maggie to her school - another successful drop-off!), the feeling was much, much different. I felt like I was forgetting something. It was even different from the feeling when I'm out & about but the kids are home with a babysitter. This time it was just me in the car going through the same routine...just one person instead of two. I'm so looking forward to these "me days" no matter how strange it feels at first!