Monday, February 15, 2010

Heart Day

I hope everyone had a very loving Valentine's Day! Here are a few highlights from this heart-filled holiday.

I wanted to do a little something for all 4 of the kids' teachers but I figured they probably didn't need another box of chocolates. So I made them each their own simple set of customized notecards. Who can't use more stationery, right?!
Maggie concentrating on perfect frosting to cookie ratios at her class party. I loved how the apples were placed on each kids plate however very few ever were eaten.

Ragen is hard at work decorating his Valentine mailbox. I have to admit - it's going to be really hard for me to relinquish arts & crafts duty for the kids. I told him that he could place the Star Wars stickers all over the mailbox (of course assuming there would be methodical yet random placement throughout) and he was compelled to line them up end to end in a not-so-perfect way. My type-A personality took a hit that day.

Ragen's classroom set up for his party
Ragen's mailbox along side his buddy Zachary's. Zach made R4-D4 who happens to be R2-D2's not so famous friend.
Other mailboxes made by Ragen's friends

One of the games at Ragen's party - grabbing conversation hearts with chopsticks. He was surprisingly talented!
Growing up, my mom decorated the breakfast table every Valentine's day so it's something I've done for the kids each year. I sort of forgot to run to the party store this year so I ended up with only a few decorations. They were thrilled regardless!

Something I didn't get a picture of: Brunch in West Seattle with the Kiefer family on Valentine's morning. As if the sugary treats that morning weren't enough, at one point I looked over at the table and Maggie was drinking the syrup out of the little pitcher. Let's just say that trying to run errands with the kids after a major sugar rush isn't the best idea. I honestly believe that outing might have been one of the 5 worst all time errands trips with kids. UGH!


Anonymous said...

Love the stationery! You are so talented my dear friend. Do you have a special program for making the cards?