Thursday, September 3, 2009


I can hardly believe it. We've anticipated this day for so long and now it's here. Ragen went off to Kindergarten today! I am so proud of him and how he handled it. He was so excited and acting so grown up that it really made the drop-off easier on me (although the eyes were full of tears as he walked away from me). Ragen was also thrilled that Jeremy stayed home from work this morning to help out and walk him to school.

We have been building up to this day trying to make it a huge exciting event so he would be happy and not sad. But we also wanted to make sure not to make it into too big of a deal so that he wouldn't freak out. Yesterday he picked out his outfit (from a very short list of choices!) and he helped me make a giant gingerbread cookie that I had volunteered to make for his classroom today. He asked me to read him extra stories last night thinking that he needed some practice for Kindergarten. I'm not sure if he was stalling or really wanted the practice. He must have been a bit anxious because he got out of bed about 15 times which is rare for him. I am nervous that he'll be exhausted today but I guess it's not my problem, right?! :)

This morning he awoke to a special breakfast of green eggs & ham with a side of donuts. We read Dr. Suess the other night and he thought it'd be fun to have that someday so I figured today was as good as ever. We had to alter our morning routine a bit because we have to head out for our walk around 8:10 which is early for us but we made it. Nana was nice enough to come over to watch Mags so we could walk Ragen to school by himself. He went right up to the appropriate line and stood there patiently. Then it was time to head into school and unfortunately the parents weren't invited. I totally understand why but I really had wanted that photo op.

Maggie and I went to Build-A-Bear as a special mommy & me project today. She had received a gift card for her birthday and was excited to use it. She picked out a pink unicorn which she named Jasmine (after Princess Jasmine, no less). She also chose a Disney Princesses t-shirt and a Husky t-shirt (atta girl!!).

I have such mixed feelings about this new chapter. I know that Ragen is ready for full day Kindergarten and is probably loving every minute. I am happy to have the break from screaming kids who run all over stores when shopping but I also miss my little man and can't wait to pick him up at 2:53!

Back to school breakfast
I'm a Kindergartener!

Love how the backpack is bigger than him

So proud of our little guy!

You better believe that at the first sign of rain, I'll be driving him to school!

One last hug!!

There he goes! Not even looking back. I love his confidence.

I figured it'd be nice to bring the teacher an apple on the first day of school. Especially when it's in cookie format! I wonder if Ragen remembered to give it to her?

The giant gingerbread cookie for his class. They'll realize that he "escaped" from the oven and will go on a gingerbread hunt throughout the school looking for him. In the process, they'll learn their way around the building. This cute little guy had some flaws but overall he turned out great.
Maggie gives Jasmine a scrubbing before choosing clothes

Thank you Auntie Roons & Uncle Nuk (and Bailey & Carter too)!