Thursday, January 15, 2009

Star of the Week

We have been counting down to this week since school started. Ragen is Star of the Week this week at school. After about 2 or 3 kids got to be SOTW, Ragen started asking when he got to be. I told him it was after Christmas because he was the first kid to be SOTW after break. Wouldn't you know it, all during break he was asking how many days til it was his turn. This kid has a crazy memory.
All week, he got to bring his favorite snacks to share with his friends, be the line leader, pick his activities first, etc. Today was the unveiling of the Star of the Week poster. We worked on it together all week and he was so proud of it.

I think the most important part of being SOTW though meant that Daddy was going to come and watch his presentation. There are a few dads who drop off the kids at school on their way to work but our daddy goes to work so early, he never gets to come to school. Recently Ragen has made a few comments so I think it bothers him a little. So I made sure Daddy blocked off his morning for the poster day. When we walked in, Ragen's eyes got huge and he started saying "look guys - there's my dad" with a big grin. It was so sweet.

As he went over his talking points on the poster, Ragen's friends raised their hands to ask questions..."what is your favorite movie?", "what is your favorite animal"...There were a couple of questions he didn't come up with a quick answer so instead he'd say "I think we're going to skip that question because I'm not sure." One kid asked him who his favorite friend was and without skipping a beat Ragen said "I think we're going to skip that question so nobody gets their feelings hurt." It was so sweet. I'm super proud of my STAR!!
Presenting his "All About Me" poster
Taking the job of line leader pretty seriously
There was also a pancake breakfast at school this morning which was a huge hit!

Ragen & his buddy Reese (for the record, he's sitting down and she's standing up & leaning for the picture) :)


Anonymous said...

I love that star of the week. He really is sharp as a tack just like his mom and dad. So sweet how much he loves his daddy too :)